Cast Your Ballot Like Your Life Depends On It

As the 2016 presidential election was nearing its final stretch, anxiety and depression crept back into Gabriel Encinas’ existence. “Trump's run for president triggered painful memories. The bullying killed my heart to the core and still does. I was devastated at the election results. Everything I am, all my rights, my own existence is being taken away from me,” said Encinas.

After incredible progress for the LGBTQ+ community during the Obama administration, the Trump presidency reawakened fears for the LGBTQ+ community, that the acceptance that they had worked so hard for would be stripped away. “I was most terrified that Trump would take my rights away. I had just been married the year before thanks to marriage equality, otherwise Bom would not have been able to be here with me. I knew he would do everything he could to destroy our rights. Period.”

With the support of his friends and family Gabriel has tried to remain optimistic for the future. “My love for dance and photography keep me going. I have struggled these past 3.5 years to find joy and hope.  My sister Caro, a proud lesbian and woman of color, has been my guiding light. Her entire life has been a constant protest standing up for rights of the LGBTQ+ community.”

On Friday, Oct. 2, 2020, Gabriel and a small group of close friends decided a creative intervention needed to take place to inspire people to vote. As an artist, Gabriel seeks to create an emotional experience. He's a professional photographer who specializes in capturing dancing bodies in motion, so it’s rare that he is on the other side of the lens. Realizing the importance and urgency of the upcoming election, he is willing to push himself out of his comfort zone to inspire people to vote.

Although 2020 has brought unforeseeable hardships including his ongoing struggle with depression and addiction, this year has had some wins as well. Gabriel reclaimed control over his health and wellbeing. He started eating healthy whole foods and working out again. 

“I am happy to be alive. I have become brave. I have allowed myself to be in front of the camera. This year, during the 2020 Presidential Elections I choose to bare my heart and soul. Here I am, all of me,” said Encinas. “My message is clear: Vote... Cast your ballot as if your life depends on it.  Vote as if my life deserves respect, acceptance and peace. I am hopeful that the 100 million people who chose not to vote in the 2016 Election are now aware of the importance of voting. I will see you at the polls.”