A.S. Board of Directors

Associate Students Candidates (left to right) Lucia Aguilar (President), Brooke Harrington (Student Trustee), Skander Zmerli (Director of Budget Management), Natalie Lim (Director of Student Advocacy) and Tafari Alan (Director of Outreach) at the As…

Associate Students Candidates (left to right) Lucia Aguilar (President), Brooke Harrington (Student Trustee), Skander Zmerli (Director of Budget Management), Natalie Lim (Director of Student Advocacy) and Tafari Alan (Director of Outreach) at the Associate Students Candidate Forum at Santa Monica College Campus on Tuesday March 26, 2019. (Tanya Barcessat / The Corsair)

A.S. Advisors

Dr. Isaac R. Rodriguez Lupercio, Associate Dean of Student Life

Benny Blaydes, Lead Counselor & ICC Advisor

Associated Students President

  1. Presides over all Board of Directors meetings

  2. Serves as a voting member of the *District Planning and Advisory Council (DPAC) and its Budget Sub-committee

  3. Responsible for forming committees to fulfill necessary purposes

*DPAC is SMC’s primary planning body comprised of faculty, classified staff, students, and management. This council discusses issues including but not limited to, district budgeting, facilities, human resources, instruction, student services, and technology planning.

Associated Students Vice President

  1. Responsible for appointing student representatives to campus-wide committees

  2. Serves as the Chairperson of the A.S. Constitution Committee and Joint Council

  3. Serves on the *Academic Senate and Curriculum Committee

*The Academic Senate is an SMC organization whose primary function is to create strategic goals and make recommendations to the administration and governing board to progress towards those objectives. 

Associated Students Secretary

  1. Responsible for creating and posting agendas, minutes, and attendance sheets for all A.S. Board Meetings, A.S. Constitution Meetings, and Joint Council Committee Meetings

  2. Maintains a publicly accessible record of historical and important A.S. documents as well as a record of Directors’ votes for various motions

  3. Serves on the *Grade Appeals Committee

*The Grade Appeals Committee, comprised of faculty, administrators, and students, are responsible for conducting formal Grade Appeal Hearings 5-6 times each semester. A Grade Appeal Hearing is the final step of the appeals process following a review with the Ombudsperson and the Dean of Enrollment Services.

Director of Budget Management

  1. Serves as Chair of the A.S. Finance Committee

  2. Responsible for sustaining the *A.S. Fiscal Policy and maintaining a written account of all A.S. related finances including but not limited to the Financial Balance Sheet Summary

  3. Serves on the DPAC Budget Planning Sub-Committee

*The A.S. Fiscal Policy states the rules and regulations for the A.S. Finance Committee, A.S. Budget Management, funding requests, and I.C.C. allotments. 

Director of Student Assistance

  1. Works in collaboration with and is the liaison between A.S. and all campus Student Assistance programs to ensure that the services provided reflect the needs of the students

  2. Helps coordinate the A.S. Assistance Program (ASAP) which deals with instructional materials assistance, meal plans, and awards/scholarships

  3. Serves on the *DPAC College Operational Services Committee

*The College Operational Services Committee's primary functions are to discuss matters regarding operation services that impact instruction and direct services to students including but not limited to: business services, food services, security, intercampus transportation, events, and custodial services.

Director of Instructional Support

  1. Works together with all instructional and academic support related services at SMC including but not limited to the library, bookstore, tutoring & Supplemental Instruction centers, and counseling.

  2. Manages all operational technology employed by A.S. as well as the printing services available in the A.S. Computer Lab

  3. Serves on the *DPAC Technology Planning Sub-Committee and *G.R.I.T. initiative committee

*The Technology Planning Sub-Committee reviews the technology-related needs of SMC and plans toward campus-wide solutions.

*The G.R.I.T. initiative committee encourages student perseverance and engagement by highlighting the values of non-cognitive skills like help-seeking and metacognitive skills like self-assessment.

Director of Outreach

  1. Official A.S. membership recruiter

  2. Actively works to maintain and improve A.S. benefits by acting as a liaison between A.S. and Santa Monica’s local businesses including on-campus food and services

  3. Helps promote A.S. benefits and serves as a member of the SMC Homecoming Committee

Director of Equity and Diversity

  1. Advocates for the protection of students’ rights and voices by serving as a liaison to campus organizations including but not limited to the Center for Students with Disabilities, Veterans Resource Center, Black Collegians Program, Adelante Program, DREAM Program, and Campus Police.

  2. Responsible for planning a minimum of three diversity themed campus-wide events per election term, organizing “International Day”, and maintaining a meditation space on campus.

  3. Serves on DPAC, *Title IX Task Force, and the Academic Senate Global Citizenship Committee

*The Title IX Task Force is tasked with reviewing the District's policies and procedures relating to Sexual Violence and Sexual Assault and implementing necessary improvements.

This position was originally Director of Community Relations.

Director of Student Advocacy

  1. Acts as a liaison between A.S. and local legislators in order to advocate for students and Public Education

  2. Organizes channels for students’ public civic expression and assists non-partisan advocacy groups (student workers, student grassroots movements, advocacy clubs)

  3. Serves on the *Academic Senate Student Affairs Committee

*The Student Affairs Committee reviews and revises administrative regulations concerning student affairs including but not limited to admissions, registration, graduation, student activities, counseling, and financial aid. 

Director of Activities

  1. As Chair of A.S. Activities meeting, this individual coordinates and promotes A.S. sponsored events including but not limited to concerts, speaker series, and creative activities

  2. Responsible for ensuring compliance within guidelines for sponsored events

  3. Serves on the DPAC Facilities Committee and I.C.C. Activities Committee

*The Facilities Committee is responsible for evaluating the funding/staffing for facilities. The committee participates in the preparation of various facilities-related plans that pertain to new construction, remodels, maintenance, and campus operations. 

Director of Publicity

  1. Raises campus awareness for all student services including but not limited to: instructional support services, mental and health services, and financial aid services

  2. Maintains an A.S. social media presence and publicizes the A.S. and its related events, activities, programs, and Board of Director vacancies

  3. Serves on the DPAC College Operational Services Committee

Director of Sustainability

  1. Works to minimize the ecological footprint of A.S. and oversees the Board’s compliance with the *Zero Waste Policy

  2. Works in cooperation with the Grounds Department, Sustainability Coordinator, and the Center of Environmental and Urban Studies

  3. Serves on multiple committees including but not limited to: A.S. Finance Committee, Academic Senate Environmental Affairs Committee, *American College and University President’s Climate Commitment (ACUPCC), and the Transportation Taskforce

*The Zero Waste policy aims to maximize recycling and reduce consumption to meet the industry standard of “Zero Waste” — a 90 percent diversion of waste.

*The ACUPCC is a pledge to actively address global warming by taking short-term steps to gradually eliminate greenhouse gas emissions on campuses. The Commitment led to SMC’s ‘green’ buildings, the Zero Waste Policy, and an 85% recycle rate on campus.

Student Trustee

  • Liaison between the A.S. Board and Board of Trustees

  • Prepares and delivers a written and verbal report of all activities an issues concerning the Board of Trustees

  • Provides A.S. reports to the Board of Trustees as instructed by the A.S. President or the majority of the Board