SMC's First Semester On-Ground Without Mask Mandate

Santa Monica College students and staff unmask for the first time since 2020 as COVID-19 transmission rates remain low.

As of Jan. 30, 2023, Santa Monica College has lifted its indoor mask mandate, marking this spring as the first semester when students and faculty have a choice whether or not to mask up during class.

SMC continues to closely monitor COVID-19 transmission levels in Los Angeles County. January demonstrated a downward trend in transmissions with the case rate lowering to 73.07 cases per 100,000 people. Although that case rate was still considered to be substantial according to SMC’s Covid Mask Mandate Decision Matrix, it was not high enough to maintain indoor masking regulations.

Kasiana Gountoumas MD, the nurse practitioner at the SMC Student Health Services Center, monitors transmission data among students and staff. Gountoumas said the decision to lift the mask mandate was made after “monitoring the cases and we had a downward trend for weeks.” The transmission rate has been “very stable” since the spring semester started, even with many more students and staff returning to on-ground instruction and activities, she added.

“It’s good news,” she said, “but we are monitoring closely the sick people.”

She emphasized the continued importance of frequent handwashing, regular self-assessments, social distancing from sick individuals, and considering masking up when in highly crowded areas.

While masking is no longer required, students like Ayanna Nguessan still prefer to wear them. As a student who experienced on-ground classes at SMC both with and without the mandate, “I kind of do miss the mask thing. I still wear mine,” she said. While she feels comfortable on campus this semester, she makes a point to say “I feel kind of weird. It’s interesting seeing everyone without their masks.”

Spanish professor Juliana Espinal also still chooses to wear a mask indoors. For her personally, wearing a mask is “inconvenient but necessary." She is hesitant about whether the mask mandate should be implemented again, saying that “it depends on the numbers,” she said.

For those who prefer to stay masked, SMC has made masks available in almost all classrooms and offices along with sanitary wipes. The school encourages students to follow public health practices to the best of their abilities to protect themselves and others.

There will be afree Covid-19 vaccinationdrive open to the public in the CPC courtyard on the main campus on Thursday, April 6 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students and staff can alsomake an appointmentfor tests and vaccinations at the Student Health Services Center at any time. The clinic is located in the Cayton Center on the main campus, adjacent to the cafeteria, and offers free medical services.